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English Shepherd


Sire: Boyer's Nick [Saddle-Back S&W] 
Dam: 'PR' IT'ZA Prairie Twister [B&W]

Boyer's Boozer (pictured)

IT'ZA began in 1988 with a couple of false starts. Those first two early dogs taught me that the ideal English Shepherd existed only in my mind's eye. I then decided to focus on intensive research and study of the breed with the goal of developing a breeding program to produce healthy, sound, hardworking English Shepherds. I made a fresh start in 1993 by acquiring my foundation female, IT'ZA High Sheriff Naomi Mohns. Nae was a pure-Mohns dog bred by Harold Mohns of Brodhead, Wisconsin. I liked Harold's dogs because they were very tightly bred, yet healthy. They had decent breed type, excellent structure and movement, great instincts, and a strong work ethic. When Nae matured, she was bred to a Shininger-bred male. This breeding not only doubled up on Nae's working abilities and excellent structure, it gave me the improved breed type I was looking for. The male I kept from that litter, IT'ZA Demost Happy Fella (aka Chaz), grew up to become one of the breed's most outstanding producers. I spent many hours being mentored by breed greats Harold Mohns, Marcia Harrison, Mitchell Oney, Ralph Morris, Judy and David Hughes, and Ann Beebe. I owe all these old-timers a debt of gratitude and believe the best way to repay them is by "paying it forward." That's why I am receptive to other English Shepherd aficiandos who want to learn more about this great breed. I am now happy to share with others through mentoring, co-ownership, breed history, pedigree analysis and structural evaluations.

Pedigree of " PAYING IT FORWARD..."

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Boyer's Nick [Saddle-Back S&W]      


Boyer's (Oney's) Duke [B&T]

 Oney's Butch [B&T]
Oney's Babe [B&T]
Boyer's Sally [B&T] Boyer's (Oney's) Duke [B&T]
Boyer's Sandy [B&W]


'PR' IT'ZA Prairie Twister [B&W]

'PR' Amerlia's Bonnie Laddie [B&W] 'PR' Prewette's Pharaoh
Tri-Alpha's Annie
'PR' Amerlia's Claire [Clear S&W] 'PR' Dunn's King
'PR' Ward's Duchess

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Email: Vivian Flynt
Great Mills  
MD  20634
Ph: 561.714.9531 [Eastern Time Zone]

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